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leon gork tour guide
Jan 5, 20203 min read
Usurping Jewish Holy Places
The angel of the Lord stops the hand of Abraham from sacrificing his son. From a mosaic in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The...
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Jul 16, 20183 min read
A Defense of Judaism.
I cannot allow criticism of my beliefs to go unnoticed. I believe in the correctness of the Jewish religion and Zionism and the value of...
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Leon Gork Jerusalem
Dec 25, 20173 min read
Leon's No Newsletter 246 Merry Christmas
It gives me great pleasure to wish all Christians a Merry Christmas. BUT Being a Jew, who feels happiness for Christians celebrating the...
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leon gork tour guide
Jan 15, 20152 min read
Wooden beams from Solomon's temple
Are These the Beams of the Temple? Is this the Gift from King Hiram of Sidon to King Solomon? Shalom Dennis, As far as I know those beams...
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leon gork tour guide
Aug 14, 20146 min read
Newsletter 214: Jews, Christians, Moslems and God
This is an open letter to my friends Esther, Mary, Jo, Rykie and many others like them who through all the years of my guiding have come...
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leon gork tour guide
Jan 19, 20083 min read
Newsletter 68: The power of Destiny
Shalom everyone, Nothing gives us the feeling that we're part of the universe more than the calendar. Take this month in the Jewish...
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leon gork tour guide
Oct 21, 20073 min read
Newsletter 58: The Bible as Jewish Culture
Shalom everyone, Its ages since I wrote no news. So much no news has accumulated that I don't know where to start. September was a great...
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leon gork tour guide
Jun 3, 20073 min read
Leon's Newsletter 52: Loyalty and Compassion
Shalom everyone, I never cease to be amazed at the tricks I play on myself to keep myself from writing newsletters and articles. I like...
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leon gork tour guide
Jul 2, 20062 min read
Newsletter 29: The Will to Survive
D ear friends and family, shalom, Every time I visit Massada I need to remind myself and others that although Massada fell, with the...
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leon gork tour guide
Jun 25, 20063 min read
Newsletter 27: The War against envy not enmity
Dear friends and family, shalom, It seems that the Hamas have finally come up to the expectations of the Palestinians who voted for them....
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leon gork tour guide
May 19, 20062 min read
Newsletter 24: Spiritual and Physical Sustenance according to Judaism
The days after Passover and the day of Shavuot celebrate two events when the Jewish People received two important gifts, namely the...
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leon gork tour guide
May 12, 20062 min read
Newsletter 23: Music and Nationalism
On Wednesday morning I had a call, as I expected, from someone who wanted to join my twice weekly walk in the Old City. I happily took my...
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leon gork tour guide
Mar 1, 20064 min read
Newsletter 6: Beauty and Religion
Dear friends and family, One of the postcard sellers at the Mosque of Omar whispered in my ear that from the 1st of March we'll be able...
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leon gork tour guide
Feb 12, 20062 min read
Newsletter 2: Tu Bishvat
Dear friends and family, My son, Emanuel, sent me an important bit of no news. The singing group Depeche Mode will be giving a one time...
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