We wait with bated breath. Some of us are tossing and turning in our sleep as we wait. Others are meditating and nervous. Still, others pace up and down.
An uncontrollable trembling takes hold of everybody. It’s irreversible. One can’t stop shaking because it’s very scary.
We have this enormous enemy called Iran. According to them, they have no choice, but to respond to a strike which Israel conducted against Ismail Haniya, the leader of Hamas.
He was taken out thank God. Guilty of the deaths of thousands of innocent people and the cause of many wars. The world is well rid of him.
The Israelis carried out the elimination skillfully and to the chagrin of Iran, in the heart of Teheran.
Our assessment, considering previous Iranian behavior, is that they will attack us to avenge Haniyah’s death.
It’s not only me. Everybody is saying that there will be a reaction. I read an amusing theory about when the response will occur, put forward by a tour guide colleague on Facebook.
My friend believes the signs point to the coming nine days. His reasoning is based on Jewish tradition, which states that the temple was destroyed by the Romans 2000 years ago on the 9th of Av, which will be this week.
Like many other people, my friend's conviction is that bad things happen during this week.
As if this prediction isn’t enough to heighten our nervousness a commentator on the news channel Kan11 reminded us that eight years ago Iran fought a war against Iraq that lasted for eight years. “look how strong those two countries are. More than a million Iraqis and Iranians died. What does this bode for us?”
What that guy said scares me, but I am determined not to let my fear control me.
Fear and anxiety aren’t a practical emotion. There is no such thing as a resolute inclination. Anger, for example, isn’t a single-minded sentiment. Only thought is useful. Think of ways to protect yourself from this dastardly response that will take place.
I calm myself with simple reasoning. We have fought five wars against the Arabs. The Arabs instigated each of those conflicts.
Jews throughout the world foresaw the imminent destruction of Israel. Yet, each war ended in a decisive defeat of our enemies. They lost territory and thousands of soldiers. Their cities have been damaged.
However dire it appears to be for us, the situation doesn’t look good for the attackers. Here again, our country will protect its citizens and gain an astonishing victory.
I say “astonishing” because the nature of victory is a surprise for the enemy. When the nation, which is down on its knees, on the brink of defeat, turns the tables on the enemy, who, until that moment, gloats about how victorious he is.
This victory will put Israel in a better state of security than ever. The only sadness in the hearts of everybody is for our citizens that Hamas is holding hostage.
They hold more than a hundred Israelis hostages in inhuman conditions.
Hamas will kill them in the event of Israel carrying out a fatal attack on them.
Nobody knows what the future holds for the hostages, but they are the heroes of this story.
They are protecting Israel, and the country must confer upon them its highest honours. They are the ones more than anyone else who are defending the homeland.. As long as they are there this war will go on.