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Daily Walks Hafez Haim

Leon Gork Jerusalem

The routs from Revadim Jnct to bus 301 to Re-em jnct

Hafez Haim is the name of a kibbutz, in the Lowland of Israel (the Shefela), a beautiful, flat, comparatively high rainfall area (700 mm), suited to agriculture, of every sort, historically inhabited by the Philistines and Canaanites and later (10th century BCE) conquered by the Israelites.

Road leading from Revadim Jnct to Kibbutz Hafetz Haim

A kibbutz is a group of people, in which each member, shares the fruit of his (or her) labor with other members of the group, according to the needs of each member. In this way it differs from the rest of society, in which each member keeps the fruits of his labor for himself. Unlike in the rest of society, where the fruits of one’s labor are kept completely to the individual himself, without considering the needs of the other members of society.

In a kibbutz the share of the fruits of all the labor, of the different members of the group, will be shared out among all the members, according to the size of the family of each member.

A organic food store on Kibbutz Hafetz Haim, known as Tamari’s Garden.

The idea of the kibbutz originate in an idea of a German Sociologist, Franz Oppenheimer. In 1919 he was the professor of the first chair dedicated to Sociology in Germany at Johan Wolfgang Goethe university in Frankfurt. A kibbutz, applying his ideas was established in 1911 in the Jezriel Valley. He taught in Israel (then known as Palestine) from 1934-1935. He emigrated to the USA in 1938.

We (Avraham and I) passed several reservoirs for storing recycled water.

Some fields were being prepared for planting, while others were being harvested; cabbages, kohl rabi and cauliflower.

Preparation for new planting

At one place we came across a Byzantine Period Wine Press

An explanation of the wine press.

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