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Writer's pictureleon gork tour guide

Cousing Mickey

Goodbye Cousin Mickey

On the passing of my cousin Mickey 11th Sep 2021

We must have met often as children, but I don’t remember her from those early days. My memory of her was never as a child, but as a beautiful young lady, who cared for me more than for anyone else. I was sure that I was her favorite. When my brothers and I piled into my father’s brown Pontiac I was feverish with excitement at the prospect of seeing her. Fighting with them for a window seat, in the back seat, all the way from Krugersdorp, to Victoria Street in Benoni, I charged out, rushed past everyone, up the steps to the balcony of their neat white house, with the gabled green iron roof. I came to Mickey’s bedroom at the end of the long passage, but cousin Mickey was never there, only Monty her brother, and her young sister Hani. My heart’s desire was out with friends.

The years passed, my longing to see her grew, and finally, the day came, when I first set eyes on the girl I’d dreamed of meeting, cousin Mickey. She entered our house, one Friday evening as we sat around the Sabbath dining table with Cynthia, a girl of our town. They had met at the college for nursery school teachers. Two things made me think that I had a special place in her heart, her black eyes looked penetratingly into mine, she smiled broadly and greeted me by my nickname, “Lee”. The only people, as far as I can remember who used that appellation were my friends Kenny and Len.

After that, she came regularly to our town and attended the parties given by her girlfriends, Cynthia, Josephine, and Sheba. I left Krugersdorp, went to live in Israel and Mickey married Hymie. The last time I saw her was in Raanana. She was her happy self. I thought they would continue to live in Israel but they chose to return to SA. I’ll always remember her smile. Her children are lucky to have had such a wonderful person for a mother. I will cherish her memory. My deepest sympathy to her family. May they enjoy long lives.

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