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Writer's pictureleon gork tour guide

A walk to the City of David 8th July 2014

Steps to the excavations of the City of David

I went down to the City of David today, with my camera and my tripod, hoping that the sun would kindly do my bidding and shine only on it.

I wanted the City of David and the stairs leading to the Temple entrances to be the highlight of my picture in the same way that a great singer or dancer stands in the spotlight and is cheered.

But the sun waits for no man and to get to the City of David; I had to make my way down the Hinnom Valley, which was beautifully highlighted, so I took a picture of that.

Steps into the Pool of Siloam

Then I came to the Pool of Siloam, which is at the low, southern end of the City of David and I took a picture of that.

By the time I came to a vantage point where I could look down on the archaeological excavations of the Canaanite Wall, the sun had spread everywhere. And as everyone knows when that happens everything is highlighted and there’s no spotlight to pick out the star of the show.

City of David Excavations

I hope, however that you will still enjoy the pictures and try to remember that the real star should have been highlighted, but the lazy photographer missed the show.

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